Collection Côte Ouest
Souvenir figure crafted with a white lacquered steel structure, oak wood base and silhouette with a laser cut glossy black methacrylate Mont Saint-Michel silhouette of 3 mm in thickness.
The Cultural Memories figures come with an original text on the front and back that provides context for the figure. See the images for more information. You can choose the language of the texts: Spanish, English, French or Basque.
FRENTE TEXTO POR DEFECTO (Versión Castellano):
Mont Saint-Michel.
El Mont Saint-Michel es una localidad francesa situada en el departamento de la Manga en Normandía. Su nombre procede del islote rocoso donde se encuentra una abadía con el mismo nombre. Su arquitectura medieval y su bahía la convierten en uno de los lugares turísticos más visitados de Francia.
FRONT DEFAULT TEXT (English version):
BACK DEFAULT TEXT (English version):
Mont Saint-Michel.
Mont Saint-Michel is a French commune located in the English Channel in Normandy. It takes its name from the rocky isle consecrated to Saint Michael, where a abbey under the same name has been erected. Its medieval architecture and its bay make for one of the most visited French touristic sites.
FRONTAL TEXT PAR DÉFAULT (Version français):
DOS TEXT PAR DÉFAULT (Version français):
Mont Saint-Michel.
Le Mont Saint-Michel est une commune française situé dans le département de la Manche en Normandie. Elle tire son nom de l'îlot rocheux consacré à Saint-Michel ou s'élève une abbaye du même nom. Son architecture médiévale et sa baie en font un des sites touristiques français les plus visités.
You also have the option to personalise your figure with your own text (in this case, it does not have an image of the silhouette on the back), combining the original text and your own, or even without any text at all. Click on the + if you want to know where your texts will appear.
Product personalisation
Personalise your figure by replacing the text on the front and back with the text of your choice. Don't forget to save your personalisation and add it to your cart.Elige el idioma del texto de tu figura y selecciona las opciones de personalización que prefieras.
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